User Guide: Using Muma and Kanjama Advocates Virtual Office

Welcome to the Muma and Kanjama Advocates Virtual Law Firm website! This user guide will walk you through the various features and steps required to experience full law firm services virtually, from reception to advocate consultation and other legal services. This platform aims to provide you with a seamless and efficient way to engage with the law firm for your legal needs.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

The Muma and Kanjama Advocates Virtual Law Firm website offers a unique and convenient way to access legal services online. This platform allows you to choose specific legal modules or services, provide essential information, and interact with advocates seamlessly through a dedicated client portal.

2. Accessing the Website

To access the Muma and Kanjama Advocates Virtual Law Firm website, Click Here.

3. Homepage Overview

Upon accessing the website, you will land on the homepage. Here’s an overview of its key components:

Selecting a Service

The homepage will display various legal modules or services offered by the law firm. These modules could include services like “Court Representation,” “Legal Opinion,” “Second Legal Opinion,” “Legislative Drafting,” “Online Consultation,” “Legal Strategy Review,” “Alternative Dispute Resolution,” “Corporate Services,” and “Legal Audit. Choose the module that best suits your needs by clicking on its respective icon or title.

4. Engaging Legal Services

Choosing a Service

  1. From the homepage, select the legal service that corresponds to your requirements.
  2. Click on the module icon or title to proceed.

Filling the Client Information Form

  1. Once you’ve selected a service, you will be directed to a form where you need to provide your information.
  2. Fill in your name, contact details, and a brief description of your legal issue.
  3. Provide any additional information that is relevant to your case [You are also provided with an option to upload the documents that you think are relevant to the case].

Uploading Relevant Documents

  1. You’ll have the option to upload documents related to your case. Click on the “Upload Files” button.
  2. Select the files you want to upload from your device.
  3. Ensure that the uploaded documents are clear and relevant to your legal issue.
  4. Click on Submit

5. Client Portal

Accessing Your Client Portal

  1. After submitting your information and documents, the admin of the website will create a client portal for you.
  2. You will receive an email with login instructions and a link to access your portal.

Tracking Case Status

  1. Log in to your client portal using the provided credentials.
  2. In your portal, you’ll be able to view the status of your case, updates, and important information.

Interacting with Advocates

  1. Use the communication features within your client portal to interact with the advocates.
  2. You can send and receive messages, ask questions, and provide additional information as requested by the advocates.

6. FAQs

For answers to common questions and troubleshooting, visit the FAQs section on the website. This section provides solutions to frequently encountered issues and helps you navigate the platform effectively.

7. Support and Contact Information

If you encounter technical issues, have inquiries, or need assistance, you can contact us via Email – or Call +254 202 716 549.

Congratulations! You’re now equipped to experience full law firm services virtually through the Muma and Kanjama Advocates Virtual Law Firm website. By following the steps outlined in this user guide, you can engage with legal modules, provide necessary information, and interact with advocates seamlessly through your dedicated client portal. If you need further assistance, consult the FAQs section or contact the support team for help.